Disclaimer: I am not an investment advisor. When I describe my own trading activities, it is not intended as advice or solicitation of any kind.

01 April 2011

The Smallest Beginning

Round about the turn of the year or so, I shared a little snippet of some stuff I was doing in Flash.  I was trying to learn a new programming language prior to launching on a pretty ambitious project.  Over the next couple of weeks, I suffered some programming setbacks, including losing track of where I had done a couple days' work, and some frustrating language issues that I had trouble resolving.  Worse, my order for several Xbox games came in, and I discovered Minecraft.

This past week, I consciously tore myself out of some of my worst time-wasting behaviors and starting noodling around again.  The result is here.  Yes, it's silly and basically non-functional.  But it's a start.

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