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03 October 2011

Applications: The Easy Ones

See Time For a Change for the first in this series, or view the index to see all the entries dealing with Arch Linux. In this post, I'll install the easy applications.

Libre Office for word processing, spreadsheets, etc: Easy, but I couldn't nap through it. The command is simple enough (pacman -S libreoffice), but first it asks what members of the package group I want to install - default is all 11 of them. Yup, all of them is fine. Then it asks what language pack I want to use - default is Afrikaans! Um, no, I want US-English... that's #22 with the cryptic name "libreoffice-en-US". A little piece of trivia is that Libre Office is a fork of Open Office, which suddenly is owned by Oracle; the "Libre" part of the name is Latin for free, as in freedom.

Chromium for web-browsing. Start with the install (pacman -S chromium), but it isn't quite done there. Chromium is what Google Chrome is based on, and comprises just about all the features with none of the privacy-violating hijinks. The only thing it doesn't have that I want is a Flash Player, and that's easy to get, too: pacman -S flashplugin.

The Gimp for photo editing (pacman -S gimp).

Audacity for sound editing (pacman -S audacity).

OpenShot for video editing (pacman -S openshot).

Wine for running Windows programs under Linux (pacman -S wine).

Skype for VOIP: Hooray, there's a package for it in the repository (pacman -S skype)! If this were a real machine, I would put in my account details and configure my headset mic. But I've done that before in Linux, and I'm confident I can do it again. No need to fight with USB support in VirtualBox, which can be pretty touchy.

Netbeans for programming: At the office, I code pretty exclusively in C++, so I have the C++-only version of Netbeans. But here at home I don't want that limitation, so I downloaded the "everything" version, which includes Java and PHP support. Then I just had to run the installer and I was all set.

I use Pidgin under Ubuntu for an IM client, but Kopete comes pre-installed with KDE, so I decided to give that a try. If I decide to go back to Pidgin, it's in the Arch repository, so I don't expect an issue with it. After entering my account details and digging through the settings to get Kopete just the way I want it, IM was taken care of. Kopete doesn't support Facebook chat, but neither does Pidgin lately, so no big deal.

I really like Clementine under Ubuntu as a music player, but Amarok is the best-known music player for KDE, and Clementine actually says "inspired by Amarok" on its website. So I gave Amarok a two-song try, and I'm impressed. It can definitely do what I need it to do, and it has a lot of cool features that Clementine doesn't. To install Amarok, I needed a single command: pacman -S amarok

That's about it for the easy ones. Note that I probably could have installed most of them at once, with this command (all one line):

pacman -S libreoffice chromium flashplugin gimp audacity openshot wine skype amarok

After installing all of these apps, I'm left with the tougher ones:

  • PasswordSafe for secure password management
  • Moneydance for personal finance
  • ThinkOrSwim for option trading
  • Minecraft - thought this would be easy, but it crashed on my first attempt
  • Dropbox for cloud storage
  • Kontact for e-mail, contacts, and calendar
  • Choqok for micro-blogging (following and posting to Twitter)
  • NixNote for notes/personal organization
  • Bless hex editor
  • Bacula for automated backups

Next: ThinkOrSwim
Or check out the Index

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